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Emotionally Speaking Premium

Your path to being awesome

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    • Access to select meditations & music therapy on ES Platform
  • Premium Monthly: 7 days free

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     7 day free trial
    • All-access to The Wisdom Tree (available on IOS/Android/web)
    • Unlimited live classes & workshops on ES platform
    • Access to Emotionally Speaking Mindfulness Collection
    • Mental wellness challenges
  • Best value

    Premium Annual: 14 days free

    Every year
    $9.58 USD/month (billed annually)
     14 day free trial
    • All-access to The Wisdom Tree (available on IOS/Android/web)
    • Unlimited live classes & workshops on ES Platform
    • Access to Emotionally Speaking Mindfulness Collection
    • Mental wellness challenges

After your free trial, the annual subscription is $115 USD (sale price for limited time) and automatically renews each year. Cancel anytime.

Emotionally Speaking at WORK

Create a cultural of growth, self-awareness, and leadership with Emotionally Speaking. Group rates are available for volume based orders. Contact Sales to learn more.

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New York, NY 10013

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